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Car wash
How to find my car wash code?
How to find my car wash code?

If you bought a car wash and you don't find it.

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Écrit par Neatcar
Updated over a week ago

Once you bought a car wash code, it is possible to view the codes you've purchased from the "History" page in the menu.

However, we do not recommend our users to buy their washing code in advance to avoid several situations such as:

Avoid expiration date

Wash code expiration times are very different from place to another. So in order to prevent you from buying codes and having them expired when you want to use them, we designed the Neatcar experience to make you buy them once you are at the car wash keypad.

Avoid you go at the wrong station

Our human reflex makes us believe that a washing code in a branch (ex: Shell) is valid in all of its stations. It may be the case sometimes and others not. We want you to avoid this type of situation. The goal of Neatcar is to offer you an experience in several places, because we do not always know where we will be when we want to go at the car wash (especially to avoid line up) .

Reminder: We recommend that you buy your wash code once you arrive at the car wash keypad or when you have noticed that the car wash is opened.

Important: The car wash code history is only available for codes purchased after December 24, 2021.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through app support or by email email:

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