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Access Nectir AI

You must be invited or given an invitation link to access your workspace.

Chloe Lam avatar
Written by Chloe Lam
Updated over 2 months ago

Signing into your workspace

Any user who has been invited to a workspace can sign in directly to Nectir AI from our website.

Nectir login page with options to sign in using Google, Microsoft, or email. Links to Terms of Service and Privacy Notice.
  1. Sign in with your school-provided email. You will not need a password to access Nectir AI.

    1. If you use Gmail, use the "Continue with Google" option. Sign into your Gmail email account.

    2. If you Outlook, use the "Continue with Microsoft" option. Sign into your Outlook email account.

      1. If you receive an error message, go back to the sign-in page and use the last option.

    3. For all other emails use the "Continue with Email" option. An email will be sent to you to verify your email. Click "Finish Login" to be redirected to your Nectir AI workspace.

Accessing your workspace via email invitation

If you have been invited to Nectir AI, you will receive an email, as shown. You can click on the link given sign in.

Email invitation to join "" workspace on Nectir. Access via <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a>. Contact: <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a>.

To accept your invite, sign in using the steps above. Click "Join" to be redirected to your workspace.

Accessing your workspace via invitation link

Another way to access Nectir AI is by using an invitation link, typically given by your Nectir AI instructor or admin.

The beginning of link will look similar to:

To access your workspace, go to the link provided and follow the sign in steps above.

Accepting additional workspace invitations

If you have been invited to additional workspaces, you can accept additional invites by accessing " Your Profile" settings by clicking on your first intial, located on the bottom left (next to the Help Button). Workspace invitations will be located at the bottom.

Accessing your workspace via Canvas

**Only if LTI Integration has been set up for your campus**

  1. Log in to Canvas

  2. Select the "Course" that has access to Nectir AI.

  3. Select "Nectir AI" at the bottom of the course sidebar.

  4. Nectir AI will open on a separate tab or window.

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