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Review Program

In this article we learn how to setup review program

Updated over a week ago

Visit the Review Program Page on your nector dashboard

As the first step enable the review program by toggling the status button on that page. After enabling you will see the below view.

Scroll to the "Settings" section of "Basic Settings" tab and define the automatic review visibility condition. Any review by customers having star rating below the defined rating will not be shown on your store. Click on the "Update" button to save the condition

There are multiple components to the review program

1. Showing and collecting reviews from the website

2. Defining rewards for giving review (Optional)

3. Defining conditions to automatically collect reviews after order is placed

Showing and collecting reviews from the website

For showing and collecting reviews from the website please refer the below articles:

It takes upto 60 minutes for new reviews and ratings to show on your website

If you are on shopify and your store theme support app blocks, then you can refer

For non-shopify merchants or shopify merchant who are on themes which does not support app blocks, please contact us via live chat on nector dashboard or at for more info

Defining rewards for giving review (Optional)

After you have followed the above instructions, you can reward your customer for giving reviews.

Switch to "Rewards" tab and scroll to "Reward For Review" section and define the reward. To define the rewards click on the "Add" button, and choose a reward as per your business needs.

By default customers will be rewarded for only one review per month. We strongly recommend this check to avoid frauds.

You can also define bonus reward to encourage image based review. To do this switch to "Rewards" tab and scroll to "Image Review Bonus" section and define the reward. To define the bonus factor input the value and Click on the "Update" button to save the condition

Bonus is only applicable for wallet coin rewards, there is no bonus for coupon rewards

Defining conditions to automatically collect reviews after order is placed (Optional)

To automate the review collection process, you can enable the review collection automation.

Switch to "Order Review Request" tab and scroll to "Review Request Notification" section and add email/event/webhook notification for the customer.

Possible notification mediums are

Email - You can setup an email, which will nudge the customer via email. PS. you can design the email template on nector dashboard.

Event - You can setup event, which will send event to connected tools like Klaviyo, Omnisend, Mailchimp etc, and on connected tool you can use the event data t send communication

Webhook - You can setup webhook, which will send event related data to your system

Now, scroll to the "Send Review Request" section and define the condition based on which nector search for customer's who have placed the order and nudge them for sharing review.

Please enable the toggle, define the condition and click on the "Update" button to save it.

Understanding the condition​

1. Check orders from last n days - ideal value is 30, max is 60

2. Look for orders having status - ideal value is "order completed"

3. Wait for n days after order status was changed - ideal value is 10, max is 30

4. How many nudges to send - ideal value is 2, max is 5

5. Distance between followups - ideal is 10, After how many days nudge should be sent again

To enable or disable the review request feature just toggle the status at the top of the page.

To enable or disable the review program, switch to "Basic Settings" tab and just toggle the status at the top of the page.

On your website you can add 3 types of review widget

1. Star Rating on Product Description Page to show the product rating
2. Review Widget on Product Description Page to show and accept the reviews
3. Featured Review on the Home Page

Screenshot of how the customer will see the Star Rating on Product Description Page. Please note the color and font size can be changed, and the font is picked from the website.

Screenshot of how the customer will see the Review Widget on Product Description Page. Please note the color can be changed, and the font is picked from the website.

Screenshot of how the customer will see the Featured Review on the Home Page. Please note the color can be changed, and the font is picked from the website.

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