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In this article we learn how to send events to external integrations

Updated over a week ago

For a list of events and the data associated with each event, please refer this article for more info:

Visit the Events Page on your nector dashboard

As the first step enable the events by toggling the status button on that page. After enabling you will see the below view.

This article assumes you have enabled at least one integration from the integration page on the nector dashboard.

Request sent from nector to external integration has a TTL of 10 seconds, if the request takes more than 10 seconds, it will fail on nector's side.

Nector will retry the request for a maximum of 5 times, with exponential delay.

Add new event

Now switch to the "Send Events" tab and click on the "Create" button, a popup will open

There are many events supported on nector. If you don't know which to choose, here are the two events that are most relevant and commonly used:

Wallet Coins Rewarded: This event will be sent whenever wallet coins are rewarded on nector.

Coupon Is Created: This event will be sent whenever a customer uses his wallet coins to get a discount/coupon code on nector.

Now select the event on which you want to notify the external integration, also select the external integration that needs to be notified, and add any filters based on which event sending should be restricted

For example
To send an Wallet Reward Event to an Klaviyo whenever wallet coins are rewarded to a customer on nector, you would create the event as shown below.

Once you have entered all the details, click on the "Create" button in the popup.

Events can also be sent for other things like when a new customer is referred, for coin expiry notification, for review request, and more. To learn how to setup these events, look into those respective articles.

Edit an event

Switch to the "Send Events" tab and click on the event that you want to edit

Here, you can change the external tool to which this event needs to be sent, also you add or remove prefix from event name. And you can edit the applied filters too. Once the changes are done, click on the "Update" button.

Delete an event

Switch to the "Send Events" tab and click on the event that you want to delete

Here, click on the "Delete" button at the top right area of this page and confirm the action.

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