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In this article we learn how to send emails to customers on various nector events

Updated over a week ago

For a list of email types and the variables associated with each of them, please refer this article for more info:

Visit the Emails Page on your nector dashboard

As the first step enable the emails by toggling the status button on that page. After enabling you will see the below view.

You can send only a limited numbers of emails per month to you customers. Once your quota for the month has been exhausted you can buy one time email credits, please contact us via live chat on nector dashboard or at for more info

One time email credits are valid for lifetime and do not reset on monthly basis

Email sender settings

Switch to "Email Sender Settings" tab.

Setup basic details

Scroll to "Status" section, in this section you can set the "Sender Name" and "Reply-To Email Address", To save the changes click on "Update" button

When the email is sent via nector, and the "Email Client" is "Nector Managed" then the "Sender Email Address" will be nector managed.

If the customer click on reply button in their email client ex. gmail, outlook etc. then the response will be received by "Reply-To Email Address"

Setup sending client (Optional)

Now, switch to "Email Sender Settings" tab and scroll to "Email Client" section. By default "Nector Managed" email client is used for sending emails to your customer, however we do allow few external client to be connected to nector.

We support below clients in addition to nector managed client

Sendgrid, Amazon SES, Mandrill, Mailgun, Sparkpost

If you use any of the above clients you can connect them with nector. There are various advantages of using above email providers.

When you connect them, you can specify the "Sender Email Address" and even the delivery of email will happen via your domain and thereby email spam rate will decrease by a lot.

To change the sending email client, select the provider from the dropdown, and input the "Sender Email Address" and other details. Now click on "Update" to save the settings.

Setup static custom properties (Optional)

Now, switch to "Email Sender Settings" tab and scroll to "Custom Properties" section. Here you can define upto 20 key-value static properties, these static properties will be passed into the email template which can be used

The "Property Name" represents the key and "Property Value" represents the value of the key. You can add more static properties by clicking on the "Add Item" button. To save the changes click on "Update" button.

You can access the value of key in the email template using the the below syntax


Email templates

Switch to "Email Templates" tab.

Existing Templates

Scroll to "Your Templates" section, in this section you can customize existing templates

Now, when you click on any existing template, below page will open, you can change color, upload images or edit the text. Once you have made the change click on "Save" button to save the changes.

Please do not make heavy changes to the template, nector emails are meant to be used for loyalty and engagement purpose only. Please do not use it for marketing needs.

Making changes to existing templates or creating a new template is only possible on paid plans.

New Templates

Scroll to "Available Templates" section, in this section you can use ready made templates to create a new template. Find the template you want to use as starting point and click on it. After that you can make any changes if needed and click on "Save" button to save the changes.

Sending Emails

Switch to "Send Emails" tab.

Add new Email

On this tab click on the "Create" button, a popup will open

There are many emails supported on nector. If you don't know which to choose, here are the two emails that are most relevant and commonly used:

Wallet Coins Rewarded: This email will be sent whenever wallet coins are rewarded on nector.

Coupon Is Created: This email will be sent whenever a customer uses his wallet coins to get a discount/coupon code on nector.

Now select the event on which you want to send email, input the email "Subject", also select the "Email template" that needs to be used for sending email, and add any filters based on which email sending should be restricted

For example
To send email on Wallet Reward Event you would create the hook as shown below.

Once you have entered all the details, click on the "Create" button in the popup.

Emails can also be sent for other things like when a new customer is referred, for coin expiry notification, for review request, and more. To learn how to setup these emails, look into those respective articles.

Edit an email

Switch to the "Send Emails" tab and click on the email that you want to edit

Here, you can change the email template, and email subject. And you can edit the applied filters too. Once the changes are done, click on the "Update" button.

Delete an email

Switch to the "Send Emails" tab and click on the email that you want to delete

Here, click on the "Delete" button at the top right area of this page and confirm the action.

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