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Supplier Performance Module
Supplier Performance Module
Ruvisha Pillay avatar
Written by Ruvisha Pillay
Updated over 2 months ago

The overall Supplier performance add-on module has been designed to give you greater visibility of your suppliers, and the ability to download a projection of the orders that you are likely to place with them into the future. This download contains either:

  • All orders.

  • A summary, by month.

In the top right-hand corner, select the region level you would like to display. NOTE: Base locations are level zero. Anything higher than zero is likely to be a region.

What you need to know about the tabs


Enables you to see:

  • The number of products supplied to each location, the total inventory value and the value that is in Safety stock.

  • Stats on how reliable the supplier is to each location.

  • The value of orders that we have placed previously, that are currently overdue/late, that are in the pipeline, and that are recommended into the future.

Column headers in the table are clickable, enabling you to sort the information by any column.

Historical POs

  • Displays the value of Purchase orders received by month, for the last two years.

  • Clicking the “Table” button on the Historical tab, displays a table of the last 12 months by location.

Overdue POs

  • Displays the value of Purchase orders, by month, that have missed their Due date and are late.

  • Clicking the “Table'' button, displays a summary of the last 12 months of purchase orders where the expected receipt date is in the past.

Open POs

  • Displays the value of Purchase orders, by month, that have already been placed with the supplier but not yet received.

  • Clicking the “Table” button, displays a summary of Purchase orders due to be delivered in the next 12 months.

This view can be very useful in identifying where incorrect Due dates have been keyed on Purchase orders, showing them arriving way later than you expect.

Future POs

  • Displays the value of Purchase orders to be placed, by month, based on order recommendations.

  • Clicking the “Table” button, displays a summary of recommended Purchase orders for the next 12 months.

The value of projected Purchase orders gives you visibility of the amount of money that you are likely to spend with this supplier over the next 12 months.

Also important to note

It is possible to filter and download data for all PO tabs, namely historical POs, overdue POs, open POs and future POs.

Clicking on the “Table” button displays a tabular view where it is possible to filter information:

  • Clicking on a location, will change the graphic to the selected location

  • Clicking on “Total”, will change the graphic to the sum of all locations

You can navigate to a specific location's reports by clicking on the row total for that location. You can navigate to the reports for all locations, by clicking on the total value.

Clicking on the row totals in the tabular view, displays an option to show:

  • All orders.

  • Summary by month.

Selecting All orders results in a report containing:

  • Products needing to be ordered, the location they should be delivered too, and the order details: Order date, Due date, Quantity to be ordered

Selecting Summary by month results in a report containing:

  • A twelve month view of the order quantities required for each product to each location

Note: downloading the detail generates a file that contains purchase cost information.

Scrolling to the bottom of the detail page, shows page numbers that you can use to page through the detail.

Clicking the “CSV download” button will enable you to save the detail as a CSV file on your computer, and the "Excel Download" will enable you to save the detail as a file in Excel format.

Please note: The supplier performance module is an optional module, which can be enabled with a small increase to your monthly subscription fee.

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