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Data validation
Ruvisha Pillay avatar
Written by Ruvisha Pillay
Updated over 2 months ago

Data validation

For the App to display accurate information, data is extracted from your ERP system via data files. Like any system, the quality of the output is dependent on the quality and accuracy of the imported data.

The following data drives the app:

Data file



Physical stocking locations (warehouses and branches)


Active vendors

Product master

Basic product information

Stock by location

The current stock position by location

Custom groups

Codes and descriptions for custom data

Sales & issues

Sales and issues summarised by month (or the equivalent transactional data)

Outstanding purchase orders

Outstanding purchase / production order lines

Outstanding sales orders

Outstanding sales order lines

Outstanding transfers

Outstanding transfer lines

Completed purchase orders

Completed purchase order lines and receipts

Meta data (‘trigger’ file)

Information about the interface and data extraction

Bill of materials

The relationship between finished goods and raw materials


Product linkages where a product(s) has been replaced by a new product

What to validate?

It is important to validate the data in the app matches your ERP, both at a global/macro level and at individual item level.

The following sections:

  • Tell you how to navigate to the relevant screens within the app in order to validate the data

  • Give you suggestions for the types of data validation you should perform

Global/macro level validation

The purpose of global validation is to ensure that we are looking at data of the right order of magnitude. Numbers that are very different to what you are expecting may indicate something is wrong with the data or we are pulling data from the wrong fields in the files mentioned above.

Stock value (at cost) by location

  • Click on “Locations” (which is found on the left panel of the screen)

  • Click on the Stock holding heading to sort locations in descending order of stock value (applicable if there are multiple locations)

  • Validate that the product count and stock holding (valued at cost) appear correct for your key warehouses

Note: the locations table can be downloaded using the “CSV download” button.

Cost of sales value by location

  • Click on “Forecasts” (which is found on the left panel of the screen)

  • On the top right of the screen, you will be able to click the drop down on the current location displayed which will bring up a table

  • Click on Stock holding to sort the locations by stock value

  • Select a key selling location/warehouse

  • Ensure that Cost price is selected in the Summary panel

  • Hover over the blue (sales history) line to see the sales value at cost for a month

  • Hover over the blue bars (sales history for 12 months) in the Comparison panel to validate the total annual sales at cost

Note: the annual numbers are rolling 12 month periods from today backwards.

Line item validation

The global/macro validation may have found some issues or may be “in the ball park”. Now you should validate a sample of individual items to either find the errors the global/macro validation hinted at or to ensure that the data at this level is accurate and complete.

We recommend selecting a cross-section of items, possibly 2 or 3 from each category below, that should highlight any data issues:

  • Based on sales movement: fast moving, slow moving, sporadic or intermittent

  • Based on your stocking policy: make-to-stock, make-to-order, indent, non-stocked, obsolete/do not reorder

  • Based on manufacture: finished goods, raw materials

  • Based on experience: your favourite item, your “biggest anomaly” item

For each chosen item, find the item using the Enquiry/Inquiry link – by typing in both the product code (or description) and selecting the location.

Data to validate

The “Details” panel

  • Average Cost

  • Selling Price

  • Volume (if used)

  • Weight (if used)

  • Stock on Hand

  • Unit of Measure

  • Stocking indicator; should the item be stocked, non-stocked or obsolete

  • The preferred supplier

The “Groups” panel

  • Group/dimension information

The “Safety Stock” panel

  • Lead time (if maintained in your ERP)

The “Tabs” (bottom of the page)

  • Forecast; unit sales by month

  • Purchase orders; the details of the open and overdue purchase order lines

  • Sales orders; the details of the open and overdue sales order lines

  • BOM; (if applicable) click the “Line” option to view the entire bill structure relating to the item, validate the linkages and ratios by hovering over the lines

Data Quality Validation

Data quality is an indication of the quality of the data in your ERP. To view the data quality functionality:

  • Click on “System” (which is found on the bottom left panel of the screen)

  • Click on “Data quality”

  • View the overall score percentage on the top right corner of the screen

  • Various panels display information where you can drill-through to listings i.e. relating to Stock data, Locations, Products, Bills of material, Sales orders, Purchase orders, Historical Purchase orders and Sales data.

The following errors are the most important ones to fix initially:

  • Stock data

    • Cost price <= 0

    • On hand < 0

    • No lead time

    • No supplier assigned

  • Bill of materials; looping BOM definitions

  • Sales orders; overdue sales orders

  • Purchase orders; overdue Purchase Orders

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