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Policy - Dashboard - Benchmark start date
Policy - Dashboard - Benchmark start date
Judi Zietsman avatar
Written by Judi Zietsman
Updated over 6 months ago

Navigate to Settings > Configuration > Policy

The Benchmark start date configuration setting allows you to change the benchmark date used on the dashboard.


The benchmark start date is a foundational reference for evaluating performance and making informed decisions based on historical data. It serves as the initial data point for tracking metrics, trends, or achievements on the dashboard.

The benchmark start date is initially set with the first data import from the initial integration with Netstock.

Use case

The idea behind this is to indicate whether the business is driving good changes using the app or whether it is under-utilizing the app for its intended purpose of improving both stockholding and fill rate. If the original benchmark is long ago and now somewhat irrelevant, you may wish to make it more recent to have a new, better benchmark to compare current efforts against.

Aim for a value of a minimum of 12 months ago.

Pro tip: During onboarding, once everyone agrees the stocking indicators and policies have been set correctly, it’s worth resetting the benchmark date to that date.

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