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Adjusting and freezing forecasts at any level
Adjusting and freezing forecasts at any level
Judi Zietsman avatar
Written by Judi Zietsman
Updated over a week ago

How do I adjust forecasts at a group (macro) level?

To change the forecast for the entire location or group of items at a location, select the “Adjust totals” button on the Summary panel on the Forecast screen.

This will allow you to select the months for which you would like to adjust the forecast, and indicate the forecast adjustment for those months. You can either manually type in the percentage adjustment for each of the chosen months, or use the slider at the bottom of the screen to adjust all the forecasts for the month by the same percentage.

You could also manually type in the percentage increase per month, which would be useful in the case where the increase per month differed.

You can select the “Model” button which will allow you to have a look at what your forecast changes look like graphically before applying it on the macro level. The changes will be visible via a green line on the Summary panel, a green area on the bar of the olive forecast on the Comparison panel and a green highlight on the forecast adjustment table.

If you are comfortable with the changes, you may then click “Apply.”

How do I adjust forecasts at an item (item-location) level?

To adjust a forecast at an item-location level, navigate to the item Inquiry screen. You can do this by drilling into an item from any screen, or by searching for the item on the Search bar.

Once on the Inquiry screen, navigate to the “Forecast” tab towards the lower part of the screen. Click on the pencil icon to access the order adjustment screen.

Select the months for which you would like to adjust the forecast.

  • Click “+” to increase the selected forecast by the specified value

  • Click “-” to decrease the selected forecast by the specified value

  • Click “+” to set the selected forecast equal to the specified value

You may also choose to use the slider, to either increase or decrease the forecast for all selected months by a percentage. As you move the slider, the olive portion of the graph will develop a second line, which will move in line with your slider, so you can immediately see the effect of your change on your original graph.

Once you are comfortable with the change, you can then “Apply” the forecast. On an item level, the forecast automatically gets frozen once a change is made, so there is no need to select the “Freeze” button at this stage. However, if you would not like a frozen forecast in place, you may select “Defrost.”

How do I freeze a forecast at a group (macro) level?

When you apply forecast adjustments to selected months at a location level, macro level, or group-location level, the adjusted forecast will remain in place for those months until the following month when the Netstock forecast engine overrides the values with its own calculated forecast.

By clicking the “Freeze forecast” button, you prevent the Netstock forecasting engine from doing so, and your adjusted forecast will be the one used by the ordering engine to calculate the recommended order quantity.

By clicking the “Override frozen forecast” button, you can override previously frozen forecasts with your newly adjusted forecast.

How do I freeze a forecast at an item (item-location) level?

When you apply forecast adjustments to selected months at an item or item-location level, the adjusted forecast will be automatically frozen in place, regardless of whether you click the “Freeze” button or not.

By freezing a forecast, you prevent the Netstock forecasting engine from overriding your adjusted forecast values for selected months with its own calculated forecast, and your adjusted forecast will be the one used by the ordering engine to calculate the recommended order quantity.

Click the “Defrost” button to allow the Netstock forecasting engine to override your adjusted forecast values for selected months with its own calculated forecast. This means that the computer forecast will be the one used by the ordering engine to calculate the recommended order quantity.

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