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Rules - Automation for articles
Rules - Automation for articles

Learn how to set up automation for managing articles efficiently.

Petra Fořtová avatar
Written by Petra Fořtová
Updated over 2 months ago

What are rules?

Rules are automated operations applied to articles that help you eliminate routine tasks. Do you need to continuously tag specific types of articles? Want to adjust the sentiment of articles, add a note to an event, or remove articles from specific media sources in your monitoring? Rules take care of these tasks for you.

How to set up a rule?

In the "Rules" tab, click the + Create New Rule button in the top-right corner. This will open a simple wizard that guides you through the setup process and explains how Rules work.

You can name the rule as you like. In this example, we’ll name it "Monkey – Tag" because we are creating a rule that will automatically assign all articles mentioning the keyword "monkey" to the tag "Monkey." At this stage, you can also choose to base the rule on an existing one by selecting "Use an Existing Rule." The inherited settings can be adjusted as needed. If you select "Activate Immediately After Creation," the rule will start running as soon as it is saved. Click "Continue" to proceed to the next step in the wizard.

On the What type of article interests me? page, you set the conditions that determine which articles the system should find (what happens to the articles will be defined on the next page). In this case, we’ll specify that the system should search all topics for the keyword "monkey." You can refine the search further using additional filters, just as you would in the search form. On the right side, a preview of the articles matching the filter (up to 1 month back) will be displayed.

After clicking the "Continue" button, you will be taken to the "What Happens to It?" page. Here, you define what action will be taken when the system finds an article that matches the criteria. In this example, we’ll select that the article should be assigned the tag "Monkey."

At this stage, you can also decide whether the rule should "Apply Only to New Articles" or "Apply to New Articles and a Selected Time Period." The second option allows you to perform a bulk operation retrospectively for a specified time period.

By clicking the "Create Rule" button, the rule will be saved and start applying based on the defined criteria.

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