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Learn what entities are and how they can simplify your work when searching and navigating large volumes of data.

Petra Fořtová avatar
Written by Petra Fořtová
Updated over a month ago

What are Entities in NewtonOne?

Entities are key components in advanced AI-powered media analysis that enable efficient navigation through vast amounts of information. These elements are used to identify and categorize significant concepts, such as names of individuals, geographic locations, organizations, or specific products mentioned in news articles and reports. By leveraging entities, you can quickly find and link articles related to the same topic.

Categories of Entities we track:

Location: This includes countries and cities, as well as districts, regions, former counties, and villages in the Czech Republic.

Organization: Broadly speaking, this category includes all legal entities and organizational units. It primarily covers political parties, companies, international organizations, ministries, universities, research institutes, religious institutions, and similar entities.

Person: This category tracks notable individuals such as politicians, artists, athletes, company founders, and business owners.

Product: This encompasses creative works in a broad sense, including computer software and hardware, films and TV series, car models, consumer electronics, major TV and radio stations, and print and online media.

Industry: The most general category, it allows you to find articles corresponding to specific industries. For a given time period, it can highlight the most publicized cases within a specific field.

Position: This includes specific occupations, job titles, roles within companies or government, and social roles. It is especially useful when combined with the "People" category to identify individuals with the same name.

How do Entities help with media monitoring?

  • Orientation: Entities help you quickly understand the context and content without needing to read every article.

  • Connections: They allow you to see the main topics and actors associated with your monitored content or identify which subjects are most frequently linked to specific events.

  • Search Efficiency: Instead of traditional keywords, you can use entities to simplify and refine your media searches. It’s like having an intelligent index that automatically adapts to the entire media archive.

Entity v NewtonOne

Entity naleznete v levém menu. Při jakémkoliv vyhledávání se zobrazí souvislost s jednotlivými entitami. Čísla u jednotlivých entitu ukazují, kolik článků z daného hledání v sobě entitu obsahují.

Pomocí entit lze také zpřesňovat seznam výsledků. U každé entity naleznete možnosti spojení jejího výskytu v rámci hledaných výsledků. Při použití jednotlivých voleb (Musí, Může, Nesmí) se entita bude chovat takto:

Musí - v hledaných zprávách se entita vždy musí vyskytovat

Může - v hledaných zprávách se entita může vyskytovat (využijete jako operátor "OR" při spojení více entit)

Nesmí - v hledaných výsledcích se entita nesmí vyskytovat (ekvivalent operátoru NOT)

K dotazu zadanému pomocí klíčových slov je entita vždy připojená pomocí operátoru AND.

Searching with Entities

Start typing a keyword or phrase you are interested in. The system will automatically suggest relevant entities. Selecting an entity can sometimes replace the need for keyword-based searches. Entities are available in all search forms across the application.

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