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How to learn more about how your campaign is performing.

Christian Thaulow avatar
Written by Christian Thaulow
Updated over 2 years ago

Statistics are crucial for every advertiser, knowing how a campaign is performing, what to optimize and to derive learnings for the future. Therefore, we make it easy to extract the relevant knowledge for your campaigns.

Quick stats

The first option you have is to look at the quick statistics that are shown in the campaign or campaign set overview. Here, you can find statistics about the company's start and end date, the number of clicks and impressions, and a progression of the campaign delivery. Further, there is the possibility to see key statistics such as the CPM, CPC, CTR etc. Learn more about what the different statistics mean in our metrics guide.

You also have the possibility to change the statistics shown under the campaign page if, you click on the small plus item on the right, creating the perfect overview for yourself.

Statistics overview

While the quick stats give short and important insights into the campaign statistics, they are lacking a deeper insight into how the campaign is performing. To give that overview, you can go to the statistics page for the individual campaign. Currently, there are no combined statistics for campaign sets.

You can find the campaign statistics, by going on the small dot icon to the left of the campaign under the campaign overview and selecting statistics.

This will lead you to a new page, that gives you a direct overview of general performance, banner performance, performance per city or region, and performance per device. Note: Location by city or region depends on the objective such as Facebook or Display.

Under each of the overviews, you can choose specific types of statistics, for fx. each banner or placement, giving you optimal insights.

At last, it is possible to export statistics as pdf or the raw data at the top of the page.

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