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Why has my CSV or XLS Upload Failed?
Why has my CSV or XLS Upload Failed?
Updated over a year ago

Common CSV/XLS upload fail reasons and troubleshooting

There are several reasons that can result in unprocessed files.
As a common practice, it is best to open the provided template file in Google Sheets and input data from there to eliminate the chance of receiving errors as a result of missing or incorrect column names.

If in case you download the file via Excel, you would need to remove the ReadMe sheet before uploading as we can only accept a file with no more than one sheet.

Here are common errors you may encounter in the import process:

  • Column/Headers may be missing or mistyped. Best to use the example CSV/XLS template and add data from there to prevent this issue.

    You may have left some required fields blank. We require certain details depending on the selected receiving option.

    For banks/e-Wallets, we would require:

    • Recipient/s name

    • Email address

    • Mobile number

    • Bank account/e-Wallet details

    For email money, we would require:

    • Recipient/s name

    • Email address

    • Mobile numbers of the recipients

Note that for disbursements: These are applicable whether it is for suppliers, employees, or customers.

  • There may be stray characters in the phone numbers or account numbers. Check for letters, dashes, and other marks that may make your input invalid. For mobile numbers, remember to input as 639XXX-XXXXXXX instead of 0917 or 917.

  • You may have inputted an invalid email address. Ensure that you have correctly inputted a valid email and domain name.

  • You may have inputted a bank name or employee type we don’t recognize or you simply mistyped your response. Our system can identify over 70 banks and e-Wallets—best to use the drop downs in our provided template to stay consistent with our naming conventions.

If there are no issues in your file as mentioned above and still you are getting errors in batch uploading, please send us an email with the attached file to

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