How to Adjust Video Dimensions for Uploading your own creative
If you receive an error like the below screenshot then you need to make some adjustments to the dimensions.
To double check this on your Windows device, follow these steps:
Use your mouse or trackpad to right click on your video
Navigate and click on the "Properties" button
Click on the "Details" tab and you'll find Frame Width/Height/Bit Rate
For Apple devices, In the QuickTime Player app on your Mac, open a media file.'
Choose Window > Show Movie Inspector or press Command-I.
If the dimensions do not match the technical checklist, you will need to make some edits to your video.
Recommended dimension is 1920x1080 px.
Accepted ratio format is 16:9.
Max file size is 512MB.
Video format is mp4.
Video length is between 10 and 30 seconds.
Accepted codecs are: AVC, VP8.
Bit rate must be more than 1.5 MBps.
There are a variety of free online tools you can use to adjust and edit your videos for the correct dimensions. One option is to use Adobe's Resize Video tool.
If you upload your creative and see full green ticks along the checklist, like in the screenshot below, then you can continue with uploading the creative as it matches the creative checklist.