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How to Use: Reports

What do the reports mean? How can I find stats on my app?

Cait Watson avatar
Written by Cait Watson
Updated over a week ago

How many people are listening? How long are they staying? Is my app generating Revenues?

One of the great things about your new app is knowing a lot more about your listeners. Once you have logged in to your Partner Dashboard, click the Reports tab. You'll see all sorts of fabulous graphs! Ooh I love a good graph! 

Activity: Learn about how many times your app has been downloaded, how many streaming sessions each day, and how many streaming minutes. All these details are also available as a spreadsheet by clicking the Download button below each graph.

3 Month Records of:

Streaming Sessions: how many times users have connected to your app daily. A session represents the time between a user tapping play and tapping pause.

Streaming Hours: how many hours were streamed over your app throughout the day.​

All time Records of:

Download of the Station App: how many times your app has been downloaded
Registrations by Device Type: how many downloads on each platform.

Understanding these reports

OK, so now you've looked at the numbers and know what they represent, how can you apply this to your understanding of how listeners interact with your app.

If you have a very high number of sessions, and a low number of streaming hours, this would indicate that your listeners are not tuning in for long periods and might want to work on ways to drive longer listening sessions.

If you have a very high number of streaming hours and lower streaming session numbers, you've got some very loyal listeners who are tuning in for the long haul.

If your streaming session numbers are much lower than your download numbers, your listeners are either not tuning in often or they are uninstalling the app. To get users to tune in and build a habit of listening on the app, use the power of the Push Notification feature to remind listeners to launch the app and get listening.

If your download numbers are low, time to reach out and start building more audience! Give listeners are reason to download the app and get connected.

Some plans include in-app advertisements and stations can be eligible to participate in our Revenue Share program. When you click on the Revenues section of the Reports tab you'll see all the details of your app's performance including monthly ad revenues, Business Advertisements (in-house ads) fees, and a running balance. Remember when your balance reaches $100 USD we will contact you to arrange a transfer.

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