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Best Practices - Avoid "Spam Likely" label
Sarah Cundari avatar
Written by Sarah Cundari
Updated over a week ago

One of the biggest impacts to connect rates can be the “potential spam” label when dialing mobile numbers. Fortunately there are steps that can be taken to mitigate having this label associated to your phone number.

  1. After creating a new US based phone number in Nooks, register your phone number with major cellphone providers.
    *Note: This can take up to 2 weeks for registration to apply to all major carriers.

  2. Monitor the connect rate of your phone number. If your connect rate with a phone number begins to drop, it may be time to switch phone numbers.

  3. Retire phone numbers with a large volume of calls. Nooks shows how many dials you complete with each phone number. Nooks will give you a visual badge when call volume is high for a given phone number.

  4. When in doubt, test the phone number out. Nooks has a test call button built into the solution to allow you to test call yourself to see exactly how you display on caller ID. Leverage this any time you suspect you may be labelled as potential spam.

Nooks continuously works toward decreasing the potential spam labels behind the scenes and this article will be updated with any future best practices.

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