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Guide to Performance Metrics
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Performance metrics definitions

Performance metric



This is the total amount you have spent in running ad campaigns in the given time frame. This includes overcharge.


The total revenue attributed to your ads. This will also include sales of other products in your catalog that were of the same brand as that of the advertised product but were not advertised. Attribution differs across ad solutions.

Return on advertising spend (ROAS)**

ROAS is calculated by dividing total ad sales by the total ad spend. It's shown as a multiplier rather than a percentage. Attribution differs across ad solutions.


The total number of units attributed to your ads. Note that a single order may contain multiple units of a product, but we show the number of units sold only. Attribution differs across ad solutions.

Click-through rate (CTR)*

CTR is calculated as clicks divided by impressions (views). It’s the percentage of people who saw your ads and clicked on them.


This is the number of times users saw your ad for at least 1 second.


The clicks metric counts the total number of times customers have clicked on an ad.

Add to cart (ATC)**

Total number of ad-attributed add-to-cart for your brands by users who saw or clicked on your ad. Attribution differs across ad solutions.

Product Page View (PPV)***

The number of detail page views of your brand's products attributed to your ads. Attribution differs across ad solutions.

New to brand (NTB) Revenue ****

Total revenue for new-to-brand orders attributed to your ads. Attribution differs across ad solutions.

New to brand (NTB) Orders****

Total new-to-brand orders attributed to your ads. Attribution differs across ad solutions.


All data associated with performance metrics are updated hourly and displayed as per today’s date by default, but it updates dynamically based on the selected filters, including campaign status, ad solution, and date range. Metrics that appear in currency format are in local currency as per the selected country of the account. Learn more about navigating Ad Manager

*We provide ATC, Clicks, CTR, Orders, Revenue, ROAS, Spend, and Views at multiple levels. At the account and country level, these metrics are displayed at the top of the main campaign dashboard. At the campaign level, they are available in the total campaigns table on the main dashboard, at the specific campaign dashboard for each campaign, and in downloadable campaign reports.

*For Product Ads and Brand Ads, these metrics can also be viewed at the product/SKU, keyword, and category levels within the specific campaign dashboard and in campaign reports where data can also be found at the Target cross SKU Level. Learn more about campaign reports.

*Additionally, for Product Ads only, performance is further segmented by ad placements, including Top of Search, Rest of Search, Product Page, and Category Page In specific campaign dashboards.

**Ad campaign attribution for attributed metrics such as Revenue, Orders, ATC, and ROAS differs across ad solutions:

  • For Product Ads, attribution is based on clicks on your ads within the last 7 days.

  • For Brand Ads, attribution is based on users who clicked on your ads within the last 14 days.

  • For Display Ads, attribution is based on views (within the last 7 days) or clicks on your ads In the last 30 days.

***PPV is provided only at the individual campaign level in the campaign report.

****NTB Revenue and NTB Orders are available only in the campaign report of brand ads. Customers are considered new-to-brand If they haven’t purchased from the brand in the last 12 months. noon ads determines if a purchase is new to your brand by reviewing the last 365 days of shoppers' purchase history. If shoppers haven’t purchased from your brand within the previous year the order is considered new-to-brand. Purchase history is based on all shopping activity within a given brand on noon and isn’t limited to attributed purchases.

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