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What's New in Noon!
✨ What's New in Noon: 02/06/2023
✨ What's New in Noon: 02/06/2023

This month, we shipped team management, user role management and deeper insights!

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Written by Noon
Updated over a week ago

Introducing the latest version of Noon! This update brings exciting new features, including team and user role management, access to check-in level results and enhanced insights surfaced on both the personal and team-level dashboards.

Team Management

If you're thinking of embracing Noon across your whole organization, you'll be especially excited about this one!

Introducing team-level dashboards, a feature designed to empower you to create personalized insights for individual groups of users within your organization.

Now, you can tailor your well-being analysis to specific teams, departments, or any other groups that matter most to you. With team-level dashboards, you gain a deeper understanding of how different segments of your organization are faring in terms of well-being.

As an admin, you can manage your organization's teams by clicking on your profile picture in the top right and selecting "Manage teams".

User Role Management

With the release of this highly-requested feature, you can now appoint multiple users as administrators, granting them access to manage teams and handle billing.

As an admin, you can manage your organization's teams by clicking on your profile picture in the top right and selecting "Manage seats". A new "Set as admin" switch next to each user will allow you to grant or revoke the admin access of other users.

Dashboard-Level Topic Insights

Thanks to feedback from our launching partners, we realised that we could do a better job of surfacing topics that need attention (and topics you're excelling in!) from within each of the 6 Noon work-life areas at the dashboard level, so you can see all this information at a glance.

This feature is available across your organization's dashboard, your personal dashboard and even on the new team-level dashboards!

Check-in Level Results

Before this update, if you sent out a check-in to your teammates, you could see how it affected the team score but could not view details of the results of the check-in itself.

With this update, you can see both an overall score for the check-in in a new "Score" column in the actions table under the "Actions" tab and view a detailed, anonymous breakdown of exactly how the questions were answered by clicking the corresponding "View" button.

All this new functionality is available under your "Actions" tab.

Even Better Onboarding

To get you and your teammates off to a flying start using Noon, we've enhanced the onboarding experience within Slack by asking right away which work-life area you'd like to focus on and sending you a mini personal check-in about the area that's most on your mind right now.

Any user you invite to Noon from today onward will get the new onboarding experience!

That's it for now, but stay tuned! This month we've got deeper insights and enhanced actionability coming your way!

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