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✨ What's New in Noon: 25/08/2023 - Noon AI Beta is Now Live!
✨ What's New in Noon: 25/08/2023 - Noon AI Beta is Now Live!

We made Noon AI available to everyone this week, helping you to tie how you feel right now to your scores across the 6 areas of worklife!

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Written by Noon
Updated over a week ago

We've never been more excited to ship a brand new beta feature before! 🚀

For a while now, our team has been working behind the scenes on Noon AI, designed to enable you and your team to translate how you're feeling in the moment to the effect this has across your 6 areas of worklife. More recently, we've been trialling this functionality in a closed beta programme with a select few of our launching partners to gather all the feedback we possibly can ahead of making this functionality available to everyone.

Now, Noon AI is finally ready for its big debut as a brand new beta feature, helping you and your team to connect your feelings in your own words to the effect this has on your relationship with work!

Noon AI

From this Friday, each Friday afternoon Noon will offer to reflect with you on how you're feeling about work right now. If you indicate you'd like to reflect together with Noon AI, you'll have the opportunity to enter, in your own words, how you're feeling about work at the moment.

There's no need to write a lot here, just a little about what's on your mind about work, be it positive, negative or anything in between! For example, you might write something like:

  • "I have great co-workers who I am very grateful for, but my workload is overwhelming right now"

  • "What a week! Back-to-back sales calls, most of which went nowhere, so feeling a bit like like I'm back to square one"

  • "One of my close friends left the company this week, which is making work a bit harder to deal with. I did get a raise though, so it's not all bad!"

Once you're happy, hit "Submit". Noon AI will then reflect with you on what you've mentioned, and tie it to how it may be affecting your 6 areas of worklife.

From here, you can:

  • Accept the analysis as-is. We'll display these insights in your Noon dashboard straight away.

  • Reject Noon's analysis. If you do this, you'll also have the opportunity to provide feedback letting us know where we went wrong so we can make Noon AI work even better for you in future.

  • Tweak Noon's analysis. If Noon AI was most of the way there but didn't quite manage to get things exactly right, you can easily tweak these insights from right within Slack so they better reflect how you really feel!

Once you're happy, you can hit "Okay, done!" to lock in your insights. We'll make sure these reflect in your dashboard right away! 📊

Your insights pertaining to each worklife area are visible in the corresponding worklife area page via your Noon dashboard, so you can refer back to them whenever you like!

You can also access the /metime command in Slack to start a reflection session with Noon AI whenever you like!

Let us know what you think!

While Noon AI is in beta, we're more keen than ever to hear from you how it could be better. You can click "Got feedback?" in the top left of your Noon dashboard at any time to send us your thoughts, or reach out over Intercom using the bubble in the the bottom right hand side of your screen.

When it comes to our plans for Noon AI, AI-powered reflections are only the beginning. Stay tuned, we have so much more in store! 😄 🤖 🧠

Make sure to try out Noon yourself, start your trial here for free.

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