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✨ What's New in Noon: 25/10/2023 - Scheduled Actions and Daily Questions Revamped!
✨ What's New in Noon: 25/10/2023 - Scheduled Actions and Daily Questions Revamped!

This release, we bring Noon full-circle with scheduled actions, and make daily questions even more focused and relevant.

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Written by Noon
Updated over a week ago

Last release, we hinted that we'd be taking Noon from a powerful observability platform for your team's relationship with work to a full-circle toolkit for building an amazing team culture. This month, we shipped this and more!

Scheduled Actions

From today, you'll notice a brand new tab in your navigation bar in Noon! This will take you to your actions page, where you can schedule actions to take place in specific time frames and track how effective they are at improving your work-life topic scores.

Clicking on "Create new action" will take you through creating a new action step-by-step, starting with targeting your action to you, your team or your company, naming and describing your action, and selecting the work-life topic scores you want to track over its course. No worries if you're not sure which work-life topics to choose; Noon AI will suggest some for you based on your action's name and description to get you started!

Next, select a start date and an end date and specify how often during the course of the action you'd like to check in with yourself, your team or your organisation on the affected work-life topics. You don't have to select an end date; if you leave it blank, we'll simply run the action until you stop it.

Now you've created your new action, click on it on your actions page to see its results so far, and delete/stop it if you wish.

Now you can track the success of the actions you take to improve your team's relationship with work from right within Noon!

📣 Note: Anyone can schedule individual or team-level actions, only admins can schedule company-wide actions. Daily check-ins are not available for team or company-wide actions (only individual actions).

Revamped Daily Questions

Energy questions weren't resonating, and were triggering too many notifications. Our aim at Noon is to bring you insights into your team's relationship with work with minimal overhead, distraction or disturbance, and energy questions just weren't cutting it.

With that in mind, we've removed energy questions from the platform and streamlined how we ask daily questions. From now on, each team member will receive two questions (on the same work-life topic) per day in one fast and responsive Slack message, and each member of your organisation will receive the same question on the same day, bringing more focused insights to your weekly and monthly reports.

We have big plans for the future of scheduled actions that we can't wait to unveil, including proactively suggesting the best actions for your team based on your work-life area scores. Stay tuned! ✨🧠✨

Make sure to try out Noon yourself, start your trial here for free.

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