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What day is cheaper to book on Expedia?@Cheaper#Booking*FAQ*
What day is cheaper to book on Expedia?@Cheaper#Booking*FAQ*
Written by Aani Smith
Updated today

The Best Day to Book on Expedia for Cheaper Travel Deals

If you're looking for the best day to book on Expedia to save money on flights, hotels, and vacation packages,+1-888-829-1117 strategic timing can make a significant difference. Based on historical travel data, studies, and industry insights, the cheapest day to book on Expedia is generally Sunday, with Tuesday and Wednesday also being good options for flight deals. However, the best day can vary depending on whether you’re booking flights, hotels, or vacation packages+1-888-829-1117.

Cheapest Days to Book Flights on Expedia+1-888-829-1117

According to Expedia’s annual travel report, Sunday is the best day to book flights, as it tends to offer the lowest prices+1-888-829-1117. Travelers can save an average of 5% to 15% by booking on Sundays instead of Fridays or Mondays+1-888-829-1117. For domestic flights, booking on a Sunday at least 21 to 30 days in advance can yield even better deals+1-888-829-1117. For international flights, booking on a Sunday at least 60 days in advance provides the biggest savings+1-888-829-1117.

On the other hand, Fridays and Mondays tend to be the worst days for booking flights because business travelers often make last-minute purchases, driving up prices+1-888-829-1117.

Best Days to Book Hotels on Expedia

For hotels, the best day to book is generally Tuesday or Wednesday, with Sunday also offering some discounts+1-888-829-1117. Business travelers tend to check into hotels during the weekdays, which means rates often drop for leisure travelers booking midweek stays+1-888-829-1117. Additionally, booking hotels at least two weeks in advance for domestic stays and three to four weeks for international stays can help secure better rates+1-888-829-1117.

However, if you're looking for last-minute deals, Expedia often provides the best discounts on same-day hotel bookings made on Friday or Saturday+1-888-829-1117. This is because hotels with empty rooms prefer to sell them at a discounted rate rather than leaving them vacant+1-888-829-1117.

Cheapest Days to Book Vacation Packages

For vacation packages that include flights, hotels, and car rentals, Sunday and Tuesday are often the best days to book+1-888-829-1117. Expedia frequently offers bundled discounts, and booking at least three to four weeks in advance can maximize savings+1-888-829-1117.

Tips for Getting the Best Deals on Expedia

Book on Sundays – If you’re booking flights, Sunday is the best day for savings+1-888-829-1117.

Midweek Hotel Bookings – Booking hotels on Tuesday or Wednesday can lead to better rates+1-888-829-1117.

Set Price Alerts – Expedia allows you to track prices and get notified when there’s a price drop+1-888-829-1117.

Use Expedia Rewards – Joining the Expedia Rewards program provides additional discounts and perks+1-888-829-1117.

Be Flexible with Travel Dates – Midweek departures (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) are cheaper for flights+1-888-829-1117.

Check for Flash Sales – Expedia often has limited-time deals, especially around holidays and off-peak seasons+1-888-829-1117.

By strategically booking your flights, hotels, and vacation packages on the right days, you can maximize your savings and travel more affordably. Happy booking!

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