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How to use keywords to create a listing.
How to use keywords to create a listing.
Camilla Grigoletto avatar
Written by Camilla Grigoletto
Updated over a week ago

First, you need to go to the Marketplace module, Search Analysis section, and finally to Monthly Top Searches.

Once you are there, select the date and the category you want to analyze, filtering until you reach the leaf subcategory, which is the last subcategory of the Mercado Libre tree. In the left list, you will find the top searched words of the day and in the right list, you will find the historical ranking for the selected period.

This information will help you decide the title of your next listing. Now you will be able to choose words that have a high search rate and few related listings to improve the position of your products.


  • We recommend using the historical listing when performing this analysis, as the sample is more representative and detailed.

  • You can discover different options, analyzing trends, and listings until you find the perfect match for your next product.

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