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Call Forwarding Instructions
Sprint Intelligent Virtual Office
Sprint Intelligent Virtual Office

Sprint Intelligent Virtual Office (SIVO) Phone Setup

Andy Ruff avatar
Written by Andy Ruff
Updated over a week ago

Sprint Intelligent Virtual Office (SIVO)

There are a couple of ways to integrate Sprint Intelligent Virtual Office and Numa.

Setup Instructions

  1. Sign into Sprint Intelligent Virtual Office (for admins)

  2. Go to the Settings > Extension screen

  3. For Numa to answer you will need to set up either a simultaneous ring, sequential ring, or virtual assistant and extension with the Numa number. Instructions for these options are below.

Simultaneous Ring

A simultaneous ring will ring multiple phones at once. Add the Numa number as an external phone on one of the simultaneous ring group's user extensions and configure it to answer after a set amount of rings by following these steps:

Add an External Line to one of the SIVO users. The Numa number for your business can be found by going to Settings > Phone Numbers in the Numa app.

Add the user extension with the Extrenal Line to the ring group.

In Numa configure the Numa voicemail to answer on a delay. Click on Numa Number from the Phone Numbers screen and press Advanced Options. Make sure the toggle is configured to Voicemail + Texting.

Add an Artificial Delay. You will need to make sure you set the artificial delay to shorter than the voicemail systems of the ring group. Typically, 15 seconds (~3 rings) will do the trick.

Sequential Ring

A sequential ring will ring phones in a set order. Follow the same steps outlined for the simultaneous ring group but be sure to add Numa as an External Line to the final phone number in the sequential ring group.

Virtual Assistant 

You can leverage the SIVO virtual assistant in a variety of ways to work with Numa. One of the most common practices is to add a text option directly to the Virtual Assistant. Instructions on how to do this can be found below.

Add a forwarding number to one of your users.
Select one of the users and Name it something easy to identify like "Numa Text".

Turn on call forwarding. Set Call forwarding mode to "Enabled". Enter your Numa Number into the Call Forwarding number field. The Caller ID setting should be set to "Show original caller number" and the Require key press on answer should NOT be checked. Press Save.

Configure the virtual receptionist. Have calls sent to the menu. Add a "press 1 to get a text option" to the menu. Assign the key press for that button to the "Numa Text" user.

Configure the Numa Number to text back automatically. Select the Numa Number. Press on Advanced options. Switch the call answering style to "Texting Only".

Note: When using the the Texting Only option you need to make sure you gather consent.

How to Confirm It's Working

You can place a test call by going to Settings > Phone numbers > Test my setup or call your business's phone number from your personal phone. If nobody answers, you should hear your Numa Voicemail greeting. Check that you are seeing the desired behavior.


If you are using a simultaneous ring group and your phone is not ringing (just going to Numa voicemail) then you likely haven't added a delayed answer.

No matter what, don't hesitate to contact Numa support! We'll happily work with you and your service provider to get you all set up.

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