
Talkroute Phone Setup

Andy Ruff avatar
Written by Andy Ruff
Updated over a week ago


Forward calls to Numa from Talkroute by adding Numa to the end of your sequential ring group.

Setup Instructions

  1. Log into Talkroute and click edit Virtual Phone Numbers

  2. Under the forwarding settings (ring in sequence) add a new phone to ring

  3. Name the phone number "Numa" and enter your Numa business number. You can find your Numa number by going to Settings > Phone Numbers in Numa.

  4. In Talkroute, make sure the advanced settings are configured to "Show the Caller's Phone Number".

  5. Talkroute requires a "keypress" for Numa to answer the call. Configure a keypress in your Numa Number's advanced settings. Settings > Phone Numbers > Numa Number > Advanced Options.

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