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Disabling a shared inbox for a staff member
Disabling a shared inbox for a staff member
Andy Ruff avatar
Written by Andy Ruff
Updated over a week ago

What conversations are visible to your team?

Numa is designed for teams to work together to help your customers. By default, staff added to an inbox have the ability to see all customer conversations and phone calls. We call this team inbox the "shared inbox" and provide four views of the inbox:

  • All β€” all customers with conversations in the inbox

  • You β€” all customers in the inbox assigned to the currently logged-in staff member

  • Unassigned β€” all customers in the inbox that aren't assigned to a staff member to handle

  • Mentions β€” customers that another team member has noted the currently logged-in staff member within (via an internal note and mention)

Why would you want to disable the shared inbox?

While we recommend that most teams keep the shared inbox in place so that they can work together to help customers, there are definitely some businesses that don't want every member of the team to see all customer conversations. For example. some sales teams compensate reps on each lead. In a shared inbox, it's each for one rep to poach another rep's leads. Disabling the shared inbox for your reps makes this harder as they can't easily find and take another team member's leads.

What happens when you disabled the shared inbox?

When you disable the shared inbox for a staff member, Numa hides the Unassigned and All views of the inbox. This streamlines their usage of Numa to keep them focused only on customers assigned to them or mentioning them. In addition, the team member will no longer be able to receive notifications about new conversations not assigned to them.

May I have some team members access all conversations and some just their own?

Yes, hiding the shared inbox may be adjusted per team member. This means you can have a team member like a receptionist or manager see all conversations while having individual team members restricted to their assigned conversations.

How to disable the shared inbox for a staff member

The ability to disable the shared inbox may be adjusted per staff member.

  1. Go to your Staff settings (Settings / Manage Staff)

  2. Choose members of your team that you want to disable the shared inbox

  3. Under the Inbox behaviors section, toggle the Hide shared inbox views setting

How to hide the shared inbox in Numa

When turned on, Numa will only present the inbox views that are specific to the team member:

Shared inbox enabled

Shared inbox disabled

Some caveats...

  • Disabling the shared inbox won't prevent a staff member from accessing other conversations. If a staff member is mentioned in another conversation, searches the Numa inbox, or receives a link to a conversation not assigned to them, they'll still be able to open and work with the conversation.

  • The setting impacts the staff member in all inboxes. When you disable the shared inbox view, it disables the All and Unassigned view for that staff member in all inboxes.

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