Creating an Interstitial Ad
Yulissa Pérez avatar
Written by Yulissa Pérez
Updated over a week ago

As with any marketing campaign, the success of an Interstitial ad comes down to creative quality. The main difference between a banner ad and an interstitial ad is that interstitial ads cover all the screen, and it makes it catchier and more effective.

Create an ITT

Step 1: On the Nunchee navigation menu, click on Monetization > Ads

Step 2: Click on "Create a Banner"

Step 3: Fill in the metadata attributes.

Title: Enter a unique title.

Platform: Select the devices where the banner will be displayed. 

Section or subsection: Select where the banner will be displayed. 

Type: ITT

Google Ad Manager ID: You will find it on your Google Ad Manager admin page.

Access Group: Deny or Grant access to the Banner? For example, you could hide the banner for Premium Users and show it for the rest.

Step 4: Save

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