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How to configure Push Notifications
How to configure Push Notifications

Use this feature to show the latest sports scores, the latest news, get a user to take action, and so on.

Yulissa Pérez avatar
Written by Yulissa Pérez
Updated over a week ago

Push messages are perfect for announcing new features or sending promotional offers as you can deep link customers directly to that feature or landing page.

Fill in the metadata attributes:

Title: Enter a title for your message.

Deeplink: Think of a deep link as a URL that takes users to a specific page or product within a website.

Message: A short description of your message.

Notifications can be sent depending on Operating System and Login Country

Operating System: Filter what devices to want to send to. If you selected iOS, the notification will only be sent to iOS devices.

Log in Country: Filter what user's countries want to send to. If you selected Brazil, the notification would only be sent to users who were logged in from Brazil.

Click on Send. Messages are sent immediately.

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