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How to create Ad Campaigns as Banners or ITT
How to create Ad Campaigns as Banners or ITT

Create ad campaigns as Banners, ITT with Google AdManager or Bannersnack

Yulissa Pérez avatar
Written by Yulissa Pérez
Updated over a week ago

Integrating Ads into an app is one of the first steps toward displaying ads and earning revenue.

What is a Banner?

Banner ads are advertisements delivered by an ad server, that occupy a spot within an app's layout. They stay on screen while users are interacting with the app. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking to the website of the advertiser.

To create Banners and insert them in Nunchee, make sure the proxy server of your navigator is not blocking them, such as Privoxy. Web browsers may also have extensions that block banners. So, make sure yours are disabled.

What is ITT?

ITT or Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that cover the interface of your app. When an app shows an interstitial ad, the user has the choice to either tap on the ad and continue to its destination or close it and return to the app.

How to create a Banner/ITT?

As with any marketing campaign, the success of a banner campaign comes down to creative quality. The best banner ads are eye-catching, timely, and personalized.

After a banner was designed and it is being managed for example from your Google Ad Manager account, you can add it to your Website, as well as


You can upload in Bannersnack or creating on your Google Account, these sizes of Banners recommended and available in Nunchee:

To insert a Banner/ITT in Nunchee, you will need to create it in Google AdManager or


If your banner is on, it will provide you a sharable link like:


Here is a video tutorial on how to create banners in Bannersnack:


If your banner is hosted on Google AdManager, you will need a campaign. The URL ID campaign will look like: /17376794/M40_MegaTopBanner_Header

The rule is /<id_cuenta>/<ad_unit_code>

Now, here are the ways to display the Banner/ITT in Nunchee:

1 - Go to Monetization > Ads

2 - Then, click on "Banner & ITT" and fill all the information requested.

3 - Fill in the metadata attributes.

Title: Enter a unique title.

Platform: For now, banners will be displayed just on Web

Section or subsection: Select where the banner will be displayed.

Size: Type in the same Size as you used on Google Ad Manager.

Type: Banner

If Google Ad Manager: You will find it on your Google Ad Manager campaign page.

If Bannersnack: You will find a sharable link after you create the Banner.

Access Group: Deny or Grant access to the Banner? For example, you could hide the banner for Premium Users and show it for the rest.

Is Smart: Enable it if a banner is a Smart Banner. They are used to display the best-sized ad according to the size and orientation of the mobile app.

Example inserting a Banner from Bannersnack:

Example inserting a Banner from Google AdManager: You need to insert an ID, not a code or a link.

ITT - Pop-ups

If you want to display it as an ITT (the pop up that appears when you open a Website), you just need to choose the option ITT on the field TYPE (ITT or Banner).

It will display like this:

Out of curiosity, banners will be distributed in an ordered partition into a specified number of groups on your app's layout. We use the remainder of the below formula to display the banners on a page. You don't need to be worried about how to use the formula. Banners will be distributed automatically.

The remainder: Number of Playlists / Number of Banners

Let's take a look a few examples:

A page with 5 playlist and 3 Banners.

According to the formula, the remainder is: 5 / 3 = 1.66.

So, the page's structure will be as follows:









A page with 3 playlist and 3 Banners.

According to the formula, the remainder is: 3 / 3 = 1

So, the page's structure will be as follows:







A page with 6 playlist and 2 Banners.

According to the formula, the remainder is: 6 / 2 = 3

So, the page's structure will be as follows:









A page with 3 playlist and 4 Banners.

According to the formula, the remainder is: 3 / 4 = 0.75

So, the page's structure will be as follows:








Do you have any questions? Contact us! We’ll be happy to help!

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