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Scrape answers to a question from Quora
Scrape answers to a question from Quora
Updated over a week ago

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Quora is a place to gain and share knowledge. It's a platform to ask questions and connect with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers. People here share their brilliant ideas from different countries and different careers.

This tutorial will show you how to scrape answers from Quora with question URLs. If you have no question URLs at hand, you can follow this tutorial first: Scrape questions from Quora


To follow through the tutorial, you may want to use the URL below:

The main steps are shown in the menu on the right and you can download the task file here.

1. Create a Go to Web Page - to open the target website

To start our scrape journey, the target website needs to be input first.

  • Enter the search URL into the search box at the center of the home screen. Click Start to create a new task.

2. Set up a Page Scroll - to load more data

  • Click on "+" under Go to Web Page Step

  • Click on Loop

  • Click Loop Item

  • Choose Loop Mode >>Scroll Page

  • Tick >> for one screen

  • Repeats >>100 times

  • Click Apply


Note: For more information about Page Scroll settings, please check this article: Set up a page scroll

3. Create a Loop - to capture the list of answers from the webpage

  • Click on "+" to add a step inside the scroll page loop

  • Click Loop

  • Switch Loop Mode to Variable List

  • Input the XPath in Matching XPath box: //div[not(contains(@class,'question_page_ad')) and(contains(@class,'question_answer_item'))]

  • Click Apply to apply the settings

4. Set up a Branch - to extend the whole content of the answer

Some answers would be folded when it is too long, so we need to click "Continue Reading" on the page to extend the whole answer. While some may not need to be extended. So here we set a branch to let Octoparse judge whether we need to click the "Continue Reading" or not.

  • Click on "+" button inside Loop Item to set a Branch in the workflow

  • Click Branch Conditions

  • Choose the left branch box

  • Tick Execute if the current Loop contains a specific element

  • Put Xpath in the Matching XPath box as: //div[contains(text(),'Continue Reading')]

  • Click Apply to apply the settings

  • Click "+" in the left branch to add a Click step inside

  • Click on the Click Item

  • Choose Relative XPath to the Loop Item

  • Set up the XPath for the Click Item as //div[contains(text(),'Continue Reading')]

  • Click on Options

  • Set up AJAX Load as 5s


The whole branch setting means to execute the click procedure if there's a "Continue reading" button.

Note: For More Branch setting details, please check this article: Branch Conditions

5. Create an Extract Data - to extract the data you need

After the branch has been set up, we need to add a data extract step for the final extraction. Also, make sure the step is included in the loop.

  • Click "+" under the Branch box

  • Click Extract Data

  • Select the data field you need

  • Click Element data on the Tips

  • Double-click the data fields to rename them if needed

6. Modify the Xpath - to locate data accurately

To locate the data we want accurately, the XPath for the fields needs to be modified.

  • Switch to Vertical View

  • Input the Xpath below for each field in Field Settings:

User: //div[@class="q-inlineFlex qu-alignItems--center qu-wordBreak--break-word"]

Career: //div[contains(@class,"truncateLines")]/span[1]/span[2]

Date: //a[contains(@class,'answer_timestamp')]

Answer: //div[contains(@class,'test_answer_content')]

The final workflow will look as below:


7. Run the task - to get the target data

  • Click the Save button first to save all the settings you have made

  • Then click Run to run your task.

  • Select Run on your device and click Standard Mode to run the task on your local device

  • Wait for the task to complete

Below is a sample data run from the local. Excel, CSV, HTML, and JSON formats are available for export.

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