You are browsing a tutorial guide for the latest Octoparse version. If you are running an older version of Octoparse, we strongly recommend you upgrade because it is faster, easier and more robust! Download and upgrade here if you haven't already done so!
A cryptocurrency is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority to uphold or maintain it.
This tutorial will show you how to scrape cryptocurrency prices from CoinGecko, a platform to help cryptocurrency players monitor the crypto market.
To follow through with the tutorial, you may want to use the URL below:
The main steps are shown in the menu on the right, and you can download the sample task file here.
1. Create a Go to Web Page - to open the target webpage
Enter the target URL into the search bar on the home screen and click Start.
2. Auto-detect the webpage - to create a workflow
Octoparse's auto-detection function can help you quickly create a workflow according to the target website's design.
Tip: When Octoparse goes on to detect the data on any web page, it screens the whole page and fetches one or more sets of data using its machine learning algorithm. If you don't see your target data being detected on the first attempt, you can switch to the second set of data by clicking on Switch auto-detect results.
Uncheck Add a page scroll
Click Create workflow
You will see a workflow created like the one below:
Check the data fields in Data Preview and delete unwanted fields or rename them if needed
3. Modify the Xpath of Pagination - to fix endless scraping
The auto-generated XPath of Pagination needs to be modified; otherwise, Octoparse will keep clicking the Next button on the last page, and the scraping cannot be stopped.
Click Pagination to open its settings
Input the Matching XPath as: //a[@aria-label="next"and not (@href='#')]
Click Apply to save the change
4. Run the task - to get your desired data
Click Save on the upper right side to save your task
Click Run next to it and wait for the Run Task window to pop up
Select Run on your device to run the task on your local device
Wait for the task to complete
Here is a sample output from a local run: