Processing Orders on iPad
Updated over a week ago

Besides processing new orders via the Oddle Web Dashboard, orders can also be processed via the Oddle iPad Register, which is specially tailored for operational staff. For a similar guide on the Oddle Android Register, click here.

This article should be read together with the Order Processing Flow Overview.

In this article:

1. Confirming and marking an order as fulfilled

Whenever you receive a new order, a notification will be sent to your iPad Register. Pending / new orders can be found in the pending orders tab.

To confirm an order:

1.Click on the "Change" button under the flag icon.


2. Next, select the "Confirmed" button.


3. You can also choose to send an email notification to the customer via the popup. Click "Yes" to send, or "No" to skip this step.


4. Viola! Your order is now Confirmed and can be found in the "Confirmed" orders tab.


Similarly, to mark a confirmed order as "Fulfilled", first navigate to the "Confirmed" orders tab and select the relevant order, then change the order status to "Fulfilled".


💡 You can also send an order summary to your customer's email by tapping on the email icon on the top right-hand corner of the order.


2. Voiding an order

To void an order, follow the steps in the section above, and click on the "Void" button. Your voided orders can be found under the "All" orders tab.


🚨 Voiding an order does not automatically refund any payment made back to the customer. 

If refunding is required, please see refund steps here.

3. Updating multiple orders at once

To accept or update multiple orders at once:

  1. Select multiple orders by tapping on the checkboxes.

  2. Choose the desired status to update the orders to.


4. Updating the payment status

The payment status of an order is automatically updated to "Paid" once online payment has been received. You can send your customer an online payment link if payment has not yet been made by the customer.

For offline payment (e.g. cash), the payment status has to be manually updated:

1. Click on the "Change" button under the payment status icon.


2. Next, select the "Paid" button.


3. You can also choose to send an email notification to the customer via the popup. Click "Yes" to send, or "No" to skip this step.

💡 Make use of order logs to keep track of changes made to your order. Every action made is logged along with the associated user and time stamp. The order log can be found at the bottom of the order summary.

5. Updating the payment type

The payment type helps you to keep track of the payment method preferred for the order.

To update an order's payment type:

  1. Click on the "Change" button under the card icon

  2. Next, select the preferred payment type.

  3. You can also choose to send an email notification to the customer via the popup. Click "Yes" to send, or "No" to skip this step.


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