Managing Item Availability

This article provides an overview on how to manage your item availability on both menu & store levels.

Updated over a week ago

In this article:

Managing Item Availability at a Menu

To make an item unavailable on your shopping cart, follow the steps below:

1. Click on Menu > Menu Name.

2. Click on Product > Category Name > Item Name > Settings.

3. Click on Item Setting.

4. Turn off the toggle on the top right. Then, click Save.

The item will be hidden from your shopping cart until you turn the toggle back on.

💡 If you wish to mark the item as 'Unavailable' and still let it appear on
the Oddle Shop, you may untick all Available Days and click Save.

For a step by step walk through, refer to the video below.

Managing Item Availability at a Particular Store

When an item runs out of stock, you can simply mark them as unavailable to prevent customers from ordering that particular item. Don't forget to mark the item as available when it is back in stock!

📌 If you have more than 2 stores, items marked as unavailable will only
affect the selected store. This means that marking an item as unavailable
at Store A will not affect the availability of the item at Store B.

This feature is accessible via the iPad Register and Android Register.

On iPad Register


On Android Register


(A) Marking an item as unavailable on the Oddle Register App

To mark an item as unavailable at a particular store:

1. Navigate to Item Availability under Menu Management in the settings.

2. Select the desired store by clicking Change Store.

3. Search for the item you wish to mark as unavailable and toggle the availability switch off.

4. A customer will now be unable to add that item to cart for the selected store.

💡 Note that the item will be marked as unavailable for an indefinite amount
of time. You must mark the item as available again when you are ready to
start selling the item again.

(B) Marking an item as available on the Oddle Register App

To mark an unavailable item as available:

  1. Select the desired store.

  2. Click on the Unavailable tab.

  3. Find the desired item and toggle the availability switch on.

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