Pricing & Fees

An overview of the types of investment entity you can use for your deals, and the costs.

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Written by Paddy
Updated over a week ago

Angel Syndicates

  1. Base:
    3.95% of funds raised, £1,800 minimum fee, £10k fee cap
    Best for one-off deals.
    Your investments are housed via a legal entity we already run, called Odin Investments Limited. There is a sub-agreement specific to your deal between you, the investors and the holding entity (see legal structure article for details on how this works).

  2. Core:
    3.45% of funds raised, £1,550 minimum fee, £8.5k fee cap | £2,500 annual subscription
    If you plan to do multiple deals annually, this is the structure for you. We incorporate a holding entity (Your SPV Limited), which you can re-use for all your deals. You pay a subscription (ongoing) for us to administer this entity. There is a sub-agreement for each deal between you, the investors and the holding entity (see legal structure article for details on how this works).

  3. Headliner
    2.95% of funds raised, £1,300 minimum fee, £7k fee cap | £7,500 annual subscription
    If you plan to do 8+ large deals annually, or invest >£1m per year, this is the structure for you. We incorporate a holding entity (Your SPV Limited), which you can re-use for all your deals. You pay a subscription (ongoing) for us to administer this entity. There is a sub-agreement for each deal between you, the investors and the holding entity (see legal structure article for details on how this works).

  4. Enterprise - POA


For founders, we charge a simple, flat fee of £2,500. There are some additional charges for specific things (see details here).

Follow on rounds

Follow ons into the same company, by the same investors, are billed at a discounted rate. Details here.

Feeder Vehicles

  • If you wish to invest in a fund, we charge a custom fee (based on the legal complexity and number of distribution events)

  • Syndicate Leads are responsible for distributing the quarterly fund report provided by the Manager (if applicable).

Please ensure you select the "founder" tab if you are a founder.

How are Odin's Platform Fees (the % fee) charged?

Fees can be:

  1. Added on top and billed pro-rata to investors (most common)

  2. Covered by the syndicate lead

  3. Covered by the investee company

If you bill fees pro-rata to investors on top of their investment, they pay an estimated fee at the time they transact. Fees are then calculated and finalised at the close of the round, once the final raise total is confirmed. There are no advance fees.

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