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Quick Activities
Quick Activities
Updated over a week ago

What are they

Fast activities allow you to quickly create a list of tasks that you need to perform for the funeral service.

How can you add them

To create quick tasks within the funeral service, you can follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "ACTIVITY" option in the left sidebar menu


  3. Click on "MATCH"

  4. Select one or more quick activities from the list that you want to use in the funeral service

  5. Click on "SAVE"

Once the quick activities have been matched, they will be added to your list of quick activities as shown in the image below

Use the "Delete" button to remove an activity from your list

Quick activities

You can quickly create the list of tasks to be performed for the service by clicking on the "MATCH" button in the activities panel

From the window that opens, select one or more activities you want to add to the service.

Click on the "SAVE" button to create them.

N.B. Once one of the activities is associated, it will not be suggested again as it is already associated.

Once created, you can manage Quick Tasks like any other task

Click on the icon with three dots to:

  1. Modify the activity

  2. Display the PDF

  3. Delete the activity

Click on the icon with the gray checkmark to mark the task as completed

Click on the icon with the green checkmark to mark the task as incomplete

Quick activities

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