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Templates for Products
Templates for Products

Use product templates to speed up the creation of Orders, Quotes and Invoices

Updated over a week ago

How to create a Template:

  1. Click on the Products item in the left side menu on Eterno.

  2. At the top right, click on the MANAGE MODELS button.

  3. Click on the CREATE TEMPLATE button at the top right.

  4. Choose the Model name.

    (Example: Burial)

  5. Select the resource you want to match the template to: Estimate, Invoice and Order.

  6. Add one or more items, you can select one or more products and/or categories.

  7. Hold the mouse down on an individual product to move it up or down and change the sort order.

  8. Once the products and categories have been set up in your model, click on the SAVE button at the bottom right.

How to use Templates

Once the products and categories have been set up in your model, click on the SAVE button at the bottom right.

  1. Click on Create quote from the service card or from the left side menu of Eterno.

  2. Click on the "Templates" drop-down menu

  3. Select the model you prefer.

  4. Select products from the categories you set up in the template.

  5. Click on Save.

NOTE. Se cambi il Modello prima di salvare, perdi le modifiche e i prodotti impostati sul documento che stai realizzando (Ordine, Preventivo o Fattura).

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