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How To Setup A Custom Domain!

Simple instructions on how to setup a custom domain with OGAds!

Ben James avatar
Written by Ben James
Updated over a week ago

Firstly, buy your domain from your favourite registrar! We recommend InternetBS or Namecheap

Sign up to

Add your domain to cloudflare (you use the free plan)

For the SSL Settings you must pick Flexible

Complete all steps on Cloudflare, including changing your name servers on your registrar until you have added your site successfully and you see it has been accepted

Click on the site and go to the DNS area, you can delete all the records that are in the box already if you are on a brand new domain

Under the DNS section add a CNAME record with the following settings;

Name: `@`


Ensure your page looks just like the screenshot below

Congrats, you setup Cloudflare for OGAds! Now please add it to the OG Dashboard

Login to the OGAds dash and go to Tools -> Custom Domains

Click the "Add Your Domain" button, enter your domain and then click "Add Domain"

Congratulations! Your domain should now be an available option on any tool details page

For example, go to the Tools -> Content Lockers page

Find one of your content lockers and click Actions -> View Details

Under "How to display your locker" look the dropdown selection under "Choose a domain:"

Select your domain from the dropdown list

The HTML/JS code and direct link below will now be using your domain!

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