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Update v1.0.19
Updated over 4 months ago

New Features

  • App Onboarding Enhancements: Introduced a new app intro and quick wizard that guides you through the basics after completing the onboarding process. It's now possible to redo the onboarding wizard for a better user experience.

  • Menu and Onboarding Translations: Added translations for the menu and the new onboarding process to support multiple languages.

  • OTA Updates and Device Handling: You can now update your device through the app, with a guided wizard for updating from FW3 to FW4. The app will alert you if an update is necessary, and this is integrated into the onboarding process.

  • Device Reset Options: Introduced the ability to reset your device almost to factory default, with further steps required for a full reset.


  • BLE Reconnect Logic: Improved Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) reconnect logic for a more reliable connection experience.

  • Visual Language Change Indicator: Added visuals to indicate when the app is changing language, with a spinner showing the progress.

  • Device and Onboarding Handling: Enhanced device handling and onboarding step management for smoother operation.

  • Slider Enhancements: Improved text for better understanding of slider inversion and rounded slider limit values to three decimal places.


  • Online Store and Device Storage: Fixed issues in the online store to handle the new device store and added routes for the OTA wizard.

  • Help Dialog for Legacy Devices: Added a help dialog with information on how to start Bluetooth on legacy devices for easier connectivity.

Additional Changes

  • Future Logging and Tuning: Added charts to enable future logging and tuning capabilities.

  • App Reset Options: Improved the app reset option for better user control.

These updates bring significant improvements to the user experience, enhance device connectivity, and provide more flexible onboarding and update options. Thank you for your continued support and feedback.

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