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Auto-Publishing Your Reviews

Remove the need for manually approving reviews by auto-publishing them

Jonathan Fulcher avatar
Written by Jonathan Fulcher
Updated over 3 months ago

Okendo's Auto-Publish feature allows you to minimize the time spent manually publishing reviews and gives you the ability to determine what content you want to automatically publish.

In this article, you'll learn about:

Best practices for publishing reviews

We encourage you to publish all of your reviews (positive and negative) unless the review content is offensive or not relevant to your products or brand. By doing so, you can provide your customers with a genuine and broad understanding of customer sentiment about your products. And you can publish with confidence as Okendo's auto-publishing rule aligns with FTC guidance on review moderation.

Respond to negative reviews

If you receive a negative review, we recommend that you respond to the review by thanking the customer for their feedback and asking how you can help improve their shopping experience.

Do's and Don'ts of collecting and publishing reviews

We also strongly recommend that you follow these guidelines when publishing your reviews:

  • Do collect and publish reviews only from verified customers and buyers

  • Don't incentivize your customers to leave reviews for your site

  • Don't discourage your customers from submitting negative reviews

  • Don't publish fake reviews to your store's site

  • Don't publish reviews that you don't have the ownership rights to

Set up Auto-Publish

Keep in mind the following when you enable auto-publish in Okendo:

  • If the star rating or sentiment options block a review from being published, the review remains in "pending" status for 14 days before Okendo automatically publishes it.

  • A review must meet all of the auto-publish options you selected before Okendo will automatically publish it and the auto-publish rules apply only to reviews you receive after you save your changes.

To set your reviews to auto-publish:

  1. Open your Okendo app.

  2. Click Settings in the sidebar.

  3. Click Publishing on the Settings page.

  4. Toggle on the Enable auto-publish button.
    You'll see the auto-publish settings:


    Image of Okendo admin showing the various auto-publish settings listed below in this article

    Note: The minimum star rating required for auto-publish default is 4.

  5. Enter a number in the field to set the Minimum star rating required for auto-publish.

    Note: We recommend you set this number to 1 and follow the guideline above on how to respond to negative reviews.

  6. Configure the Auto-Publish options:

    • Block auto-publishing of unverified reviews
      Toggle on to prevent Okendo from auto-publishing unverified reviews. You may receive an unverified review from a customer who used the Write A Review button and didn't confirm their email address after writing the review.

    • Block auto-publishing of reviews with media
      Toggle on to prevent reviews with photos or videos from being auto-published.

    • Block auto-publishing of reviews with profanity
      Toggle on to prevent reviews that contain profanity from being auto-published. Okendo analyzes the content of the review and determines if it contains inappropriate language.

    • Block auto-publishing of reviews with negative sentiment
      Toggle on to prevent reviews that have a negative sentiment from being auto-published. Okendo analyzes the content of the review and determines if the language is positive or negative.

  7. Configure Profanity Filter Options:

    • Use default Okendo profanity list
      Toggle this on to use Okendo's default profanity list. This includes a long list of most words that would generally be regarded as "profane".

    • Censor flagged words with ***

      Toggling this setting on will automatically sensor words in the profanity list. Reviews with profanity may still be valid and helpful for other shoppers, so we encourage them to be published if they are legitimate, relevant, and non-abusive.

    • Custom Profanity List

      This option can be used to either completely replace the default profanity list or add words to supplement the profanity list.

  8. When done configuring your settings, click Save.

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