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User roles and access

What is the difference between admin, manager and contributor?

Andy Macleod avatar
Written by Andy Macleod
Updated over 4 years ago


Roles determine what Permissions are assigned to a user.

Each user has two levels of access control:

  1. Account level - this gives users access to the platform as a whole (allows you to login)

  2. Program level - allows access to a program

Account level

Find these settings in the top left hand corner. Select User Admin.

Account roles determine what an individual can do within the context of the entire account. Whatever your role is at an account level, that is the highest role you can have in a program. eg Account Contributors can only be contributors in a program.

  • Admin – has full control over the Account level, such as adding new users. They have Program Admin permissions, allowing them to control all aspects of each program. They can add or remove users, create programs and add influencers to programs and delete programs.

  • Manager – is our standard user. They can be assigned Program Owner or Program Manager roles, search for influencers, create lists or add to an existing list, export results in a program.

  • Contributor – can lookup influencers, view lists and can be assigned Program Contributor role. They cannot add influencers to a program or create a new program.

Program level

Program Roles determine what individual users can do within the context of a Program. Roles are ranked below with each rank having the abilities of lower-ranked roles.

Essentially you can only have program level access as high as your account level access.

  • Program Admin – the user can manage Program Roles, add or remove influencers.

  • Program Manager – the user can add or remove tags on influencers, create and manage dashboards, export reports.

  • Program Contributor – the user can add or remove notes/comments, view dashboards.

  • No access - everyone with account access will be listed as having "no access" in the program settings to start with.

Managing Program-based Roles

Access program user roles from "Settings" in the left navigation

Users with the Account Admin role will be able to give individual users access to any program upto the level of account role the user has. eg Account Contributor can only be a program contributor. Account Manager can be a program manager or contributor.

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