What is MyOnalytica?
MyOnalytica is a portal for influencers, subject matter experts, speakers and content creators across B2B technology, healthcare, financial services, energy & sustainability. B2B influencers sign up, connect their social media handles and build out their MyOnalytica profile to showcase their expertise to brands.
You can find the information that MyOnalytica users have submitted in the Showcase tab of their profile. Find out more about using the influencer profile page here.
I'm an Onalytica client - can I access MyOnalytica?
Any profile data that opted-in influencers include in their MyOnalytica profile will sync up with the Onalytica platform automatically as part of your existing subscription. You'll see the MyOnalytica logo next to an influencers name if they have an account.
What other features are planned for MyOnalytica?
Our goal is to make brand and influencer partnerships as easy as possible. For brands, we plan to add the following benefits:
Approving and processing payments to influencers in-app
Messaging influencers directly in-app to invite them to collaborate
Campaign planning tools to securely share details with influencers and colleagues
For influencers, the ability to be discovered by brands with an active influencer program can be a valuable source of new opportunities. Our research shows that centralising payments and messaging with brands in one place would save many influencers hours every week.