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Searching for YouTubers

A guide to finding YouTube influencers using Onalytica Discover

Andy Macleod avatar
Written by Andy Macleod
Updated over 2 years ago

To search for influencers on YouTube you should use the channel dropdown menu. Here you will see the options to search on Twitter or YouTube.

In order to produce results a channel must be selected and key terms to match to, either from the topic library, key word search or boolean query in Advanced Search. Bio search cannot be used to search for YouTube influencers only for searching on Twitter, this is because bio data amongst YouTubers is much more sporadic then it is on Twitter.

Results are matched according to key words that appear in the name or description of a YouTube video.

In the search results you will be able to see the number of Subscribers, average views per post, average likes per post and relevance for each influencer. Relevance is a count of how many times that influencer has posted mentioning the searched topic in the last 180 days.

Results are ranked by number of Subscribers in descending order and can be sorted by the other three metrics by clicking on the sort arrows.

Once the results have loaded you will be able to preview the content that has been matched in the "Show content" tab. Here you will see the name of the video and the URL.

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