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Overview of your listenings

Overview of your listenings

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From the general menu, you can access your "Listenings". This overview is the heart of your job advertisements and allows you to see at a glance which advertisements are currently online and how many applications have been received for each. By clicking on the corresponding advertisement, you will receive detailed information about the advertisement as well as the number of candidates in their respective recruitment phase. From this overview you can go to your existing vacancies, edit, copy or delete them, and you can create new job advertisements.

Above the listed job ads there is a bar with different functions:

  • Online: With a click on "Online" you can display all Job ads which are currently online or offline.

  • Departments: Here you can filter by certain departments.

  • Locations: Here you can filter by location.

  • All career sites: If you use several onapply career pages, you can use this to display all postings or only those that are assigned to a specific career page.

  • Search bar: You can search for a specific job posting in the search bar by specifying the job title

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