How to automatically apply text on Onboarding screen
Written by Валерия Зимницкая
Updated over a week ago

The content applied through this option applies only to the default language.

Implement content rules for the screen accordingly:

Screen type:

Apply content rules:



Title: Title text
Subtitle1: Subtitle text
Image: Image URL

  • If no title or subtitle is provided in this form, it will be removed.

  • If no image is included in this form, it will remain unchanged.


Case 1 Title: Title1 text
Case 1 Subtitle1: Subtitle 1_1 text
Case 1 Subtitle2: Subtitle1_2 text
Case 1 Image: Image1 URL


Case N Title: TitleN text
Case N Subtitle1: Subtitle N_1 text
Case N Subtitle2: SubtitleN_2 text
Case N Image: Image1 URL

  • Number of slides - N: This value can be adjusted to fit your specific requirements.

  • Case Title, Case Subtitle 1, Case Subtitle 2: These elements can be utilized if configured in the screen settings. If present in the screen settings and subsequently removed from the form, the corresponding section will remain empty.

  • Case Image: If absent on this form, it will remain unchanged.




Title: Title text
Subtitle: Subtitle text

You have the option to include either both parameters or just one of them. If one parameter is missing, it will be removed upon application.





Title: Screen title
Subtitle: Screen subtitle
Case 1 Title: Item1 title text
Case 1 Subtitle: Item1 subtitle text
Case 1 Image: item1 URL
Case 2 Title: Item2 title text
Case 2 Subtitle: Item2 subtitle text
Case 2 Image: item2 URL

Case N Title: ItemN title text
Case N Subtitle: Item N subtitle text
Case N Image: itemN URL

  • N - the number of table items displayed on the screen. The quantity can vary.

  • Case Title, Case Subtitle, Case image -These elements can be utilized if configured in the screen settings.

  • If text settings(Title, Subtitle, Case title, Case subtitle) are included in screen settings and you eliminate them from the form, the form will become empty.

  • If there is no image on this form, it will remain unchanged.


Title: Screen title

Case 1 Title: Case1 title text
Case 2 Title: Case2 title text
Case N Title: CaseN title text

  • N - the number of items displayed on the Progress bar. The quantity can vary.

  • If text settings(Title, Case title) are included in screen settings and you eliminate them from the form, the form will become empty.


Title: Screen title
Subtitle: Screen subtitle

Image: Image URL
Case 1 Title: Item1 title text
Case 1 Image: item1 URL
Case 2 Title: Item2 title text
Case 2 Image: item2 URL

Case N Title: ItemN title text
Case N Image: itemN URL

  • N - the number of table items displayed on the screen. The quantity can vary.

  • If text settings(Title, Subtitle, Case title) are included in screen settings and you eliminate them from the form, the form will become empty.

  • If there is no image on this form, it will remain unchanged.


Title: Screen title
Subtitle: Screen subtitle
Image: Image URL

  • If no title or subtitle is provided in this form, it will be removed.

  • If no image is included in this form, it will remain unchanged.


Title: Screen title
Subtitle: Screen subtitle

Image: Image URL
Case 1 Title: Item1 title text
Case 1 Subtitle: Item1 subtitle text
Case 1 Image: item1 URL
Case 2 Title: Item2 title text
Case 2 Subtitle: Item2 subtitle text
Case 2 Image: item2 URL

Case N Title: ItemN title text
Case N Subtitle: Item N subtitle text
Case N Image: itemN URL

  • N - the number of table items displayed on the screen. The quantity can vary.

  • Case Title, Case Subtitle, Case image -These elements can be utilized if configured in the screen settings.

  • If text settings(Title, Subtitle, Case title, Case subtitle) are included in screen settings and you eliminate them from the form, the form will become empty.

  • If there is no image on this form, it will remain unchanged.

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