Paywall: Fill SubscriptionId
Written by Валерия Зимницкая
Updated over a week ago

In this online help, we'll teach you how to create your subscriptions in App Store Connect and rennet them to your paywall.

How to create a subscription in the App Store Connect

1. Sign in to your App Store Connect account > My Apps > select your app.
2. In the right menu find Monetization > Subscriptions.

3. Under Subscription Groups, click on +.

4. In the popup that just opened, add the name of the group and click on Create.

To create the subscription:
1. Under Subscriptions, click on +.

2. In the popup that just opened:
- add the Reference name of the product: The reference name will be used on App Store Connect and in Sales and Trends reports. It won’t be displayed on the App Store. The name can’t be longer than 64 characters.
- add the Product ID (this is the SubscriptionID that you will enter in Paywall settings in our service): A unique alphanumeric ID that is used for reporting. After you use a Product ID for one product, it can’t be used again, even if the product is deleted.
- Click "Create"

3. Select the Subscription duration from the drop-down menu

4. Scroll down to the Availability section
Click "Set Up Availability"
- Choose country or region for which this subscription will be available. Apple will automatically calculate the prices for all countries or regions based on the most recent foreign exchange rates. You can edit prices for individual countries or regions here.
- Check the prices for each country or region
- Click Next > Confirm

5. Scroll down to the Subscription Price section
Click "Add Subscription Price"
- Choose a price and your country or region. Apple will automatically calculate the prices for all countries or regions based on the most recent foreign exchange rates.
- Check the prices for each country or region
- Click Next > Confirm

6. Scroll down to the App Store Localization section
- Click "Add Localization".
- From the popup, choose the language of the application and fill in the fields that appear with the name and description of your product
- Click "Add"

7. Scroll down to the Review information section
- Mandatory: Upload a screenshot (640x920 pixels) of what is sold in the application (e.g. a screenshot of a restricted article).
- Optional: Add in the review notes additional information about your subscription that could help Apple with their review.

8. Save your Subscription by clicking "Save" at the top right of the page.

8. To set a Trial period (optional)
- Scroll to the Subscription Prices section

- Click on + and select "Create introductory offer"

-Select Countries or Regions for Introductory Offer - the countries involved in the trial period and click Next.
- In Start Date: select today's date, and in End date select No End Date, then click Next.
- Select "Free", then select the duration of the trial period.
- Click Next > Confirm

Repeat steps 1 to 8 for each of your products (subscriptions).

9. In the left menu, choose iOS App > Prepare for Submission

10. Scroll down to the In-App Purchases section and click Select In-App Purchases. In the popup, select all in-app purchases and click Finish.

Note: After you create subscriptions in App Store Connect, you submit it to Apple for review. If you are submitting your first in-app purchase, you must submit it with a new version of your app.

The purchases in sandbox mode can work
After an app is available on the store with existing subscriptions, you can submit additional subscriptions for that app at any time.

How to enter Product Id to Paywall in Onboarding Online service.

  1. Load Onboarding Online and Select Your Project

  2. Open Your Onboarding from the list

  3. Click on Paywall in the Onboarding sequence and click on the Edit icon

  4. Scroll to the Subscription section on the settings screen

  5. Copy product ID created on the App Store page

6. Paste the product ID in the field SubscriptionId

Repeat steps 5-6 for each item in Added in Subscriptions list:

Note: You soon enter a unique product ID from App Store Connect to each item. Otherwise, the button will not be displayed in the paywall for your iOS app.

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