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Web AB tests: Update the AB test: Name, Alias, Distribution, Variants
Web AB tests: Update the AB test: Name, Alias, Distribution, Variants
Written by Leanid Yuryeu
Updated over a week ago

If you have created the link with the AB test you can change the

  • AB test name

  • AB test link alias

  • The variants on web onboardings that participate in AB tests

  • The percentage distribution of each variant

  1. Click on "..." in the "Actions" column of your A/B test

  2. Click "Settings".

  3. On the opened form you can update:

  • Name just by entering a new one

  • Alias by entering new one or use auto-generated by unchecking the check box

Please note that a unique alias name can be used once on your domain.

  • Distribution swiping sliders for each variant

  • ADD new variants in the test by clicking ADD or remove existing ones by clicking on the trash icon:

  • The Web Onboarding that participated in the test:

4. Click "Done" to save the change.

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