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Onboarding.Online SDK integration
Manual for adding swift-onboarding-sdk to the existing project. UI interface - SwiftUI
Manual for adding swift-onboarding-sdk to the existing project. UI interface - SwiftUI
Автор: Валерия Зимницкая
Обновлено больше недели назад
  1. Open the required project and go to the dependency settings: “Project -> Package dependency”

    1.1 Click the “+” (Add package dependency) button.

  2. You will see the “Apple swift packages” window.

    Paste the link https://github.com/onboarding-online/swift-onboarding-sdk in the “Search or Enter Package URL” field.

  3. Xcode will show the settings for adding SDK. Make sure the settings look like this “Dependency rule -> branch : main” and click the “Add package” button.

  4. You will see the library verification window. Wait till the verification ends and click “Add package.”

    The package integration has been completed. Only a few code lines remain to be added to your project!

  5. If you use Interface -> SwiftUI (Point 6) for the project initializing:
    12.1. Open the ContentView file (or wherever you want to add an onboarding launcher: ScreenService).
    12.2 Add to the file header the following:
    import OnboardingiOSSDK
    12.3 Find the structure:
    struct ContentView: View {


    12.4 Add the piece of code to it:
    func startOnboarding() {

    OnboardingService.shared.startOnboarding(projectId: "",

    localJSONFileName: "",

    useLocalJSONAfterTimeout: 1.0)

    { onboardingResults in




    12.5 Add a call to the screen constructor:
    var body: some View {

    VStack {

    Image(systemName: "globe")



    Text("Hello, world!")


    .onAppear(perform: startOnboarding)



  6. If you have already obtained an onboarding.online service project, download the json file of your onboarding Onboarding.online-> project -> onboarding -> json

  7. Drag the file into your Xcode project. After that, a settings window for adding a file will appear.

  8. Select "Copy if needed," "Create groups" and click "Finish."

  9. Add the file name to the onboarding launch function:
    16.1 Open the "ContentView" file (or wherever you want to add an onboarding launcher: ScreenService);
    16.2 Add the name of the json file you have downloaded.

  10. Click the run button, wait for the simulator to launch, and enjoy your first onboarding!

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