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Interactive Discount on Proposal

Consumers reviewing and accepting proposals with Interactive Discounts

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Written by Customer_Success
Updated over a week ago

Once you present or email a proposal with the Interactive Discount, your customers will have a way to "interact" with it.

Interactive Discounts are a bit different from the rest of the Discounts because they will apply without affecting your markups, like Commission allocation, Financing allocation, Price Adjustment. In other words, if you want to give a $200 Discount it will do just that:

$Sale Price '-' $200 Interactive = New Total Investment

Very much like with the Recommended Items, you are putting the power of decision-making into your customer's hands.

Interactive Discount of financing markdown type ("cash discount") is especially powerful since it allows your customer to have a much more positive experience when it comes to the money-talk.

How does it work?

1. Interactive Discounts will show up in the Discounts area of the Investment Details section of the presented proposal

2. Customer will be able to see its Name and $ amount value

3. 'Add Discount' the Discount and the Total/Net Investment will get recalculated

4. 'Remove' the Discount and the Total/Net Investment will get recalculated back to the original value

5. At the time of the customer accepting the proposal, we will snapshot the latest decision they took: whether the Interactive Discount was applied or not

6. You will see all the Interactive Discounts that were included or not included in the proposal in your Inspector Sheet (read more)

Example of a Cash Discount and Financing option on a proposal:

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