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Lists help you organize your attendance data, just like paper pencil sheets. Use a list for classes, classroom, visitors, events, seminars, trainings, attendance sheets & more!
Registrations on OneTap
How to check-in people
Kiosk mode on iPad app
Profiles, like contacts in an address book, are people on OneTap's database (alias for customers, members, employees, students, guests, visitors, etc).
Excel reports and analytics on our online dashboard
Articles related to your account, organization and collaborators.
Integrate with 3rd party sites such as Google Forms, JotForm, etc.
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All about testing with OneTap
The Punch Pass feature in OneTap allows you to assign a specific number of visits or Check-ins to a profile. It’s perfect for managing limited or prepaid access, such as class passes, gyms or recurring activities. Follow this guide to set up, assign, and track Punch Passes for your users.
Article about billing and refunds