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OneMind Dogs Coach vs Assistant Coach vs Instructor - what's the difference?
OneMind Dogs Coach vs Assistant Coach vs Instructor - what's the difference?

Do you want to learn the difference between the OneMind Dogs Coach network titles? Read this article to find out more.

Niki Drage avatar
Written by Niki Drage
Updated over a week ago

OneMind Dogs Coaches are those who partook in the initial Coach pilot program, these were already skilled Coaches in their own right who undertook training in Finland on the OneMind Dogs method and passed a test to achieve their title. Assistant Coaches can take a Coach test to achieve their Coach title, instructors can also take a Coach test once they have completed all of their modules.

Working under these coaches, with their supervision and guidance, are OneMind Dogs Assistant Coaches.

OneMind Dogs Instructors are part of the new training program. These are OneMind Dogs enthusiasts who undertake rigorous online and live training and testing to pass specific modules of OneMind Dogs content so that they are then certified to teach that specific module only. Once they have completed all of the available modules they can undergo a test to be certified as a OneMind Dogs coach.

Are you interested in joining the program? Learn how to become a OneMind Dogs Instructor and join the mailing list today!

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