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Your first project

This article should help guide you through your first steps if you’re building with Onepage.

Jacob avatar
Written by Jacob
Updated over a week ago

Hello and welcome!

We are happy to assist you with building your first project in Onepage. This is a series of articles where we cover the interface, essential functions, and core principles of our software.

Let’s get started!

Main dashboard

As soon as you sign up, the first thing you see is our Project dashboard. The place where you keep track of all projects created with Onepage.

It consists of three main parts. The profile, navigation bar, and project list. Let's take a look at them all.


Inside your profile, you can access your general info, payment & billing information, and track incoming invoices. You can also get help or log out using this tooltip.

Navigation bar

The navigation bar serves to grant you the possibility to filter/operate projects.

1. Switch between Active / Starred (Favourites) / Templates type of projects

2. Search / Sort your projects

3. Create new project


Your Dashboard is the home of your workspace in Onepage and where all projects and interactions live.

Within your workspace, you'll create projects to group pages into websites or funnels and use them to publish things live.

A project is a set of pages organized under one domain. Project = Website in common sense. If you create a project with only a single landing page, it also counts as a website with just one page.

A brief example :

You create a project and its first page, setting up domain. Then, it becomes your main page.

All the following ones you create become (however you name them) in your link structure.

Tip. No worries, you will be able to change your main page afterwards.

Creating your first project

Decide between starting from one of our templates or starting with a blank page, then finish by setting up your domain.

Project title is an internal name you use to distinguish a project from others. It won't be shown anywhere but inside your Dashboard

Internal domain is provided by default (ex. . It can be accessed via URL after you publish your project live. It's up to you to decide to stick to this domain name or to connect your own afterward and replace it.

Created a project? Let's proceed with understanding the Editor

In the video below, you can see a live Demo on how to create a project in Onepage easily:

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